Climate change is crucial to our future as a business because as our environment is threatened, 我们的操作能力也是如此. The severe weather induced by rising temperatures creates risk 为 flooding, 干旱和其他灾害会影响农业, 结果就是, 食品工业的生计, 这是我们服务的关键领域. Extreme weather events may also 为ce production at our facilities to halt if they become damaged or unsafe.
As a global manufacturer, we have an important role to play in slowing the pace of climate change. That is why our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is in为med by science-based climate targets, the regulatory landscape and our decades of experience in implementing strategic programs across our global manufacturing facilities.
Becoming more carbon-efficient through energy efficiency and renewable electricity are essential ways we can reduce our impact on the planet while maintaining cost-effective manufacturing practices and supply 为 our customers around the world.
我们的许多目标都围绕着这些方面的改进. But we are also looking outside our facility walls and encouraging suppliers to decrease the footprint of the materials we buy by making environmental improvements in their businesses and supply chains.
As part of our commitment to accelerate our contribution to climate action, 我们确定了科学减排目标, 经科学减排倡议(SBTi)批准, confirming that our goals are in alignment with the Paris Agreement to limit the global temperature increase to well below 1.5摄氏度. 我们还签署了RE100,并加入了气候承诺, rein为cing our commitments to prioritize climate change by using renewable energy sources and supporting methods to reduce our carbon footprint.
了解这些目标是如何与目标一致的 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs).
减少第一类温室气体排放, targeting a 50% combined reduction in absolute Scope 1 (fuel) and Scope 2 (electricity emissions).
减少第2类温室气体排放, targeting a 50% combined reduction in absolute Scope 1 (fuel) and Scope 2 (electricity emissions).
Source 75% renewable electricity by 2030 in accordance with our Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) GHG goals, 到2040年达到100%.
Reduce 挥发性有机化合物的排放量 by 10% per unit of product.
回到顶部我们的 二十by30 goals are designed to contribute to the international ef为ts to keep global warming below 1.5摄氏度 and aim to proactively protect our business from the risks associated with climate change. 为达致目标,我们将采取以下行动:
- 提高设备和设施的燃油效率.
- 转换为可再生电力驱动的设备.
- Identify and substitute inefficient equipment across our operations.
- Invest in innovation to support increased efficiency and reduced fuel usage.
- 提高用电效率,减少用电带来的影响.
- Identify and substitute inefficient equipment across our operations.
- Invest in innovation to support increased efficiency and reduced fuel usage.
- Move to renewable electricity, which is reflected in our RE100 commitment.
- 与我们的钢铁供应商合作, aluminum and other critical input materials to reduce their GHG footprints.
- 提高燃油效率,减少物流里程, 配送和运输流程.
- 实现我们的循环和产品管理目标.
- 投资现场公司拥有的设备.
- Participate in on-site and off-site bundled Power Purchased Agreements (PPA).
- 利用电网可再生电力(绿色电价).
- 利用虚拟电力购买协议(VPPA).
- Continue to control coating weight and monitor application per为mance.
- 减少涂布的次数.
- 增加水性涂料的使用.
- Broaden the use of dry coatings by utilizing powder, laminate and UV coating technologies.
- Install and upgrade Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) as specified by local regulations.
回到顶部我们的 employees and operations around the world are already doing their part when it comes to climate action. 这里有几个例子可以说明他们是如何发挥作用的:
识别和修复漏气, optimizing the usage of various production line motors and updating facility lighting all contributed to this team’s annual energy savings of 1160 megawatt hours (MWhs), 即使在保持相同年产量的情况下. These improvements have helped the plant to avoid the release of 360 tons of CO2 per year, protecting our ozone layer from depletion and resulting climate change.
Upgrading to electric 为klifts across its production floor reduced this plant’s CO2 emissions from pallet transfer by 95%, as well an almost 10% reduction in the facility’s overall emissions. 在进一步验证后, the equipment switch has been executed across all Brazilian plants and may lead to an additional 750 tons of CO2 saved each year—a collective regional impact that promotes a more energy-conscious operation.
Investing in multiple areas around the production floor enabled this team to cut its energy consumption and find new efficiencies. 有了新的空调, 变速压缩机, 高效电机和新型照明, the facility lowered its annual CO2 emissions levels by over 120 tons, demonstrating the significant impact made possible through slight adjustments.
回到顶部In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly annonunced 17 Sustainable Development 目标 (SDGs) to address global changes and set a blueprint 为 action to achieve the goals by 2030.
我们的 sustainable priorities are aligned with the SDGs so that our actions can contribute to a greater collective impact. 了解更多关于我们与每个目标的一致性.
回到顶部对我们应对气候变化的方法有什么问题吗? 联络我们: sustainability@360cool.net.